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Heating reform and regulating valve market to meet business opportunities
Publisher:zhilande       Release time:2018/8/26

A small valve on the radiator, you can let the winter room temperature is always maintained automatically think the most comfortable degree in you; when one day the outdoor temperature rises, the boiler can automatically adjust the water temperature, avoid unnecessary energy waste; between different floors of the same central heating area is small some households will not be hot enough to open the window, there is room temperature conditions. Reporters learned from the air conditioning Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of building research, these energy saving technologies and products that have been popularized for over 30 years in Europe, are currently very limited in China, and many people still don't understand this. In the Ministry of Construction recently issued the Ministry of construction's opinions on the implementation of heating metering, radiator thermostat valve, climate compensation, hydraulic balance and other regulating devices are explicitly required to be installed and utilized in heating systems and buildings.

Radiator constant temperature valve: keep room temperature constant

The radiator constant temperature valve is a valve installed in the front of the radiator, which is composed of two parts of the temperature package and the valve body. Temperature is the temperature control element package, there are temperature sensitive medium, when the room temperature rises, medium expansion, promote the opening of the stem decreases, thereby reducing the radiator hot water supply; room temperature falls, the media shrink, increasing the valve opening, the radiator hot water supply to increase, thereby maintaining a constant temperature, which can not only improve indoor comfort. And such. Users can also set their own temperature according to their needs. Thermostatic valves will automatically control and regulate the hot water supply of the radiator according to the set requirements, so that the room temperature is constant at the user level. A lot of practice in Europe shows that the use of thermostat valves can save 30% of energy on average.

The national HVAC and purification equipment standardization technical committee secretary general Huang Wei told reporters, Guoneishoubu thermostatic radiator valve on the industry standard approval process has been completed, will soon be promulgated, the standard is expected to regulate and promote China's manufacturing industry thermostatic valve.

Climate compensator: dynamic adjustment of heat source

With thermostatic radiator valves installed on each different climate compensator is installed in the boiler room or heat station, it can make the heat output adjusted according to the dynamic changes of outdoor temperature and return water temperature of the heating system, to achieve on-demand heating. In the city, due to urban heat island effect, the outdoor temperature is often higher than the temperature of the weather forecast. If we can not regulate the heat output in real time according to the indoor and outdoor temperature, it will cause waste of heat energy. The climate compensator is able to control the outlet temperature at any time according to the backwater temperature and the outdoor temperature, and realize dynamic adjustment simply and accurately. The most important thing is that it can set room temperature at different time intervals according to user needs. For example, office buildings, from 8:00 to 18:00 on Monday to Friday, need room temperature 18 degrees, and other time periods only need frost proof temperature of 6 degrees. The climate compensator will automatically adjust the heating output level according to the room temperature setting and outdoor temperature, so as to achieve temperature adjustment.



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