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How should domestic valve products be transformed in the next few years?
Publisher:zhilande       Release time:2018/8/26

The transformation of the valve industry should start from the following points:

1. cast steel valve products market trends with the transfer of oil development to the mainland oil fields and offshore oil fields, and the power industry under the 300 thousand kilowatts of thermal power to more than 300 thousand kilowatts of thermal power and hydropower and nuclear power development, and valves should be changed based on device applications and the corresponding changes in its performance and parameters.

2., urban construction systems generally use a large number of low pressure valves, and develop towards environmental protection and energy saving, that is, the transition from low-voltage iron gate valves used in the past to environment-friendly rubber plate valves, balancing valves, metal sealed butterfly valves and middle line sealing butterfly valves. Oil transmission and gas transmission projects develop to the direction of pipeline, which also requires a large number of flat gate valves and ball valves.

3. the other side of energy development is energy saving, so from the view of energy saving, steam trap should be developed and developed to high parameters of subcritical and supercritical.

4. the construction of the power station is developing to a large scale, so it is necessary to use the safety valve and pressure relief valve of the large diameter and high pressure. At the same time, we also need to use the fast opening and closing valves.

5. the needs of complete sets of projects, the supply of valves from a single variety to multi variety and multi specification development. The valve required for an engineering project is becoming more and more popular by a valve manufacturer.

The production and manufacture of valve equipment has a very broad prospect in a short period of time or for a long time. Especially in the city construction, boost industrial development, technological innovation and globalization of the four factors, China's future domestic valve industry will move towards a more international, high-end, modern development, and this is also the development direction of China's domestic valve industry valve. Domestic valve manufacturers are also constantly pursuing innovation process, enter the new market, and strive for survival and development in the increasingly competitive pump and valve industry.



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